

This project is a simple question and answer application based on WWII trivia.


This project was created to get familiar with JavaScript UI interactivity.


For this project, I wanted to have a repeating loop that presents a question to the user and then allows them to answer, see the correct answer, and continue to the next question a total of five times. Finally, I wanted the application to present the user’s final score at the end of this loop. Throughout this loop, the application would have to remain on the same page, thus staying as a single-page application.


I utilized JavaScript to get this application to present each question and its corresponding answer to the user after the user makes their guess. As well as having the application inform the user if their guess was correct. Using JavaScript functionality allowed me to keep the project as a single-page application with no page reloads.

Results and Conclusion

While this was a simplistic application, it was fun to get to use JavaScript to create UI interactivity for the user, as well as a chance to utilize my passionate knowledge of World War II.

Click on the picture above to visit the application or visit here for the code.